Retro silver pant & vest size 5
formal jacket with tale size 6 ( used only once)
yellow shirt size 5
white shirt size 4
all 4x $60. excellent condition!!
Smoke and pets
Original boy baby born with 2 original outfits, potty, dummy, feeding plate & spoon, 4x nappies. Plus extra boy clothes to fit, mixture of bought & handmade inc pj's
Bulk lot of boys/teens clothing - converse/ piping hot /some new!
Canning Vale
, Western Australia
Ad Type : Offering
44 pieces of boys/teens clothing
All in good condition
10x T-shirts - size 12-16 includes an Assassin Creed shirt
17x Long Sleeved shirts - size 14-16 - small men's some
Massive collection of baby clothes (primarily boy) and other items, all clean and in good condition, some still with tags, including:
1 x Tiny Little Wonders l/s white