NEW Bubba Blue 8 piece Nursery Hamper Rhino Run Blue Baby Boy Gift
Caulfield North
, Victoria
Ad Type : Offering
Tihs Rhino Run 8 Piece Gift Hamper is the ultimate gift or starter set for that special baby. Great gift idea, perfect for baby showers and new baby presents.
mattress or without sheets $80
Moby wrap used once $50
Nappy bin $10
Boys size 2 all for $40 ( long sleeve shirts, short sleeve shirts, shorts, pants and jumpers
, singlets, shorts, leggings, jeans, beanies, jumpers, hats, cardigans, jackets, sleeping bag, swimmers for boys and girls, extra random items . Photos taken on QS bed...
retail at $35 each size 1 -$12 jeans $15 jumper
Boys shirts retail at $22 size 1 and size 00 both for $5
Nobody puts baby in the corner onesie size 00-0 $4
Baby wrap ...