Great condition neither worn once or are brand new
Great condition have either been worn once or a brand new
The lot for $20
Mix of brands Daisy & Moose, cotton on baby
Sizes 0, 00, 000, 0000
Wraps, bibs, beanies, cot sheets over 100 items! Suits boys and girls. lots brand new, a lot of sprout brand and good brands.
T-shirt's, onesies
Baby girl 00000 and 0000 bulk clothes and oddments
, Victoria
Ad Type : Offering
mixed clothing including Sprout, marquise, seed, target, cotton on. short sleeve rompers and dresses Kmart and best and less brand berry baby
3 x target 000 singlets
WITH OVER 100 items of mixed branded baby girls clothes ranging from newborn 0000 to size one. There is wondersuits and zippys, pants, tops, jumpers, dresses, overalls