Flowering Begonias in pots . Long lasting and keeps flowering all the year round. Cost according to pot and plant size. Can stand long periods without water. Doesn't
$40 each. Have two different ones available. One in terracotta pot one in 400 mm very large and heavy pot. Grow in sheltered spot outside. Mature plant with tonnes of
•BEGONIA Plant•(Angel Wing) all year flowering
•Not available in Bunnings
•Selling for $35each(fixed price)
•an old and rare plant
•Easy to grow/heart-shaped leaves
Begonia Froggy /Rex (Hybrid) plant Lovely unusual leaves green & black leaves on top & purple tone undeneath. Rex begonias like bright, indirect light year-round
pots full of different succulents $50. Various other plants and succulents for sale,come and see. Small pots starting at $3, $5,$8, $10 and a select few $20 and over....