Red sports jacket
Red school sweater SIZE 14
Sports bag
Black music uniform SIZE SMALL
Male brown winter tie
Normal white sports shirt SIZE 16
Red sports bucket hat x2
5 piece suit with extra pieces child size 3/size 4 wedding tuxedo
Aberfoyle Park
, South Australia
Ad Type : Offering
On offer is a child's size 3 black suit used for a wedding. It can with a pair of pants, a white button-down shirt, a black vest, and a black zip through tie. In
dress shirt, dress pants, and vest. One bow tie and one long black tie included. Pickup Mount Hawthorn.
Price for both suits together - please message if interested in
Boys formal/ graduation wear size 10-12 Brooklyn Industrie
, Western Australia
Ad Type : Offering
I have for sale as new boys formal/graduation clothes
Pants and vest dark grey/black colour size 10 Brooklyn Industrie
Shirt Fred Bracks boyswear size 10 light blue