very healthy plants, priced at $8 each or will do better price for 4 or more. Inspection invited, please sms or call (not often on the internet) to make a day/time to...
Lilies in large timber frame, glass, wall hanging picture
, Queensland
Ad Type : Offering
Large timber frame with hanging wire, glass, to hang picture on the wall. Current picture of lilies, lovely grey tones. The picture has some waving of the print but is
don't work on my phone but if you would like to call me just ask and I will call off my parents phone. SMS is appropriate.
I am looking at minimum $10/hr
Thankyou!! R...
Rhoeo, Moses in the cradle - ground cover low maintenance plants
, Western Australia
Ad Type : Offering
-plant is appreciated for its attractive foliage - glossy, sword-shaped leaves are held upright, so both (dark teal-tinged forest green on top and vivid violet underneath