Ikea Sundvik baby change table. This table is virtually 'as new' since I soon found it wasn't needed after all. And stayed in a spare bedroom unused.
The change table
Grow time chest of draws with change table excellent condition, one small mark as pictured that was done when purchased. Is anti tip for safety in a child's bedroom.
Free change mat that can be placed on a table or chest of draws. Does has a little wear and tear as shown in picture, but easily covered with disposable change mats or
Love n Care Baby cot with mattress and 4 draws cupboard
Ad Type : Offering
Love n Care cot with bamboo mattress and chest of draws that can also be used as a change table, very good condition. Cot has little marking (seem in pictures) but cot
Gro time Hannah cot with draw and almost new mattress only purchased last year from baby bunting
Matching change table with mat and chest of draws
Excellent condition