3 blankets - 2 knitted, 1 smaller wrap reversible
1 x white cot sheet set pink detail Includes fitted flat and pillow case
1 x pink bird flannelette sheet set includes
Brand new white living textile essentials wafffle cot blanket plus a cot bedding set (same brand) which includes a fitted/ sheet and a pillow case used twice in a very
Cotton rich and very comfortable swaddle blankets Marquise white and blue from Target- never used. Three waffle wraps also from Target. 2 piece baby cot comforter
One pink blanket one white blanket purple and white cot sheet set one pink and white sheet set Pink flannelette set white flannelette set grey knitted pram blanket two
Cot blankets/quilt (3), flanelette sheet sets (2), summer sheet sets (3), mattress protector and some wraps. Hope someone can get some use out of them!
sheet with pillow case (blue with print)
Baby pillow
2x blankets
1x light Doona with giraffe print (reversible matches blue sheet set
1x warm thick blanket reversible...