new high quality 'my maison' brand home decor vase. The vase combines uncomplicated style with the simplicity of a clean versatile look that can fit into any room.
Sydney's Cheapest Assorted Blue & White Ceramic Ginger Jar Pot Hire
Croydon Park
, New South Wales
Ad Type : Offering
inside so you can safely place your flowers or herbs in them to display. A penny pinching alternate to ceramic ginger jars for next blue and white event!
2 matching large concrete decorative garden ornaments. Could be used as a birdbath or just an urn or vase. Put them in a pond and you've got gorgeous fountains. Need a
Windchimes & Pottery at the Flour Mill Emporium in York
, Western Australia
Ad Type : Offering
Food. Pert's Pantry -- Artisan Breads & Groceries. Quirky & Cool BookNook Bookshop. Charity Opie. Justine's Hairdressing. All at the Old Flour Mill in York.
Australian Sculptural Black Pottery Vase - Don James
Golden Grove
, South Australia
Ad Type : Offering
at McLaren Vale, SA in 1977. He made functional stoneware and decorative wheel-thrown forms using local materials and also designed and made ceramic bottles for the l...
Two coordinating vases, white, grey/blue, excellent condition
, New South Wales
Ad Type : Offering
This is a lovely pair of ceramic vases that has only sat on my sideboard for 8 or 9 months but because I have just changed my decor I have decided to