2x Doona covers an pillow cases D/B
1x woollen under lay D/B
1x Double sheets fitted an flat
Asking $15 for lot
Pick up only
Still in used good condition
Single feather doonas x 2- $5 each
Double feather doona x 1- $6
Single doona covers x 2-$2 each
Double doona cover x 2-$3 each
Single cotton blankets x 3-$3 each
Double Bed Set 100% cotton consists of Doona Cover, Flat Sheet, standard pillowcases 2 designs 1 set x4 other set x2 , Co-ordinate x2 cushion covers and X 1 bolster
time you would like to collect or there will be no respose, also don't ask for lower prices (can try a barter in person when you come and buy multiple things) items are