size 4-5 and 1x size 6-8 $8 each
Photo 4 size 4 party dress worn once $8
Photo 5 Peppa pig top as new $8
Tshit and shorts $5 size 3
Photo 7 5x summer fesses size 5 great
Girl's size 5 dresses, all for $15.00 or $4.00 each
, New South Wales
Ad Type : Offering
As shown in photos five assorted girls size 5 dresses. Brands include milkshake, target, sista and mango.
They are all in good condition.
$15.00 for all five or can
All new price tag attached unopened all have different price
, New South Wales
Ad Type : Offering
different colours paid $49 wanting $35
2nd phito Denim dresses size 1 or 2 price tag attached $6 each
3rd photo Price tag attached on all Denim skirt size 2 $4.50 bla...