These marvellous old glass bottles, with Bakelite stoppers, make a lovely decoration for the kitchen industrial look or for a cafe decor. Can be used for homemade sauces
Selling three brand new (never used) glass amber bottles with pumps. 500ml. Perfect for hand soap, shampoo, conditioner, body wash etc.
Selling all together at $10 each.
Various sized glass jars/bottles, not all come with lids - exactly as pictured. 3 large approx 1 liter capacity, and 3 medium approx 500ml capacity, and 2 vases. None of
food jars comes with 70mm gold metal twist lids total 144, 17 packs of 500ml flint glass table sauce bottles with 28mm black table sauce cello wadded caps total 204.
Scoby to make Kombucha and 1 cup organic starter tea made with filter
Oak Flats
, New South Wales
Ad Type : Offering
bought these 9 bottles from the supermarket at over $2.50 each you would be paying at least $22.50 so you will pay off this purchase in 1 week including buying the gl...