. As a flower vase it is certainly a good model with a wide opening on top. The design is classical but modern, very lively with modest friendly colours: yellow and green
Cool Retro Vintage Stylish Ceramic Vase - Can Deliver
Ad Type : Offering
click on Moore Retro (In green on the right of your screen), or simply type Moore Retro / Urban Edge into the Gumtree homepage search bar or google Moore Retro / Urba...
Lovely Retro Vintage Ceramic Black Flute Vase - Can Deliver
Ad Type : Offering
This retro vintage ceramic black flute shaped vase is the perfect complimentary piece to go on a retro sideboard or table, very lovely shape and in great condition. It
Lovely Vintage Vintage Retro Style Ceramic Vase - Can Deliver
Ad Type : Offering
beautiful items we currently have listed on Gumtree over two sites Urban Edge and Moore Retro. Just click on Moore Retro (In green on the right of your screen), or si...