White Bloom Fresco High Chair - black insert & real sheepskin insert
Ad Type : Offering
to join the family at the dining table or the modern breakfast bar; starting from birth, all the way to school age. in cradle mode newborn baby is up and away from the
Too big for a highchair, but too short for a regular chair? Then a junior chair is perfect -- high enough for the dining table, and with comfy support for the feet. Made
Lap belt for the child.
Great for kids ready to move out of a high chair but need that bit of extra height to reach the dinner. Also great for restaurants and travel...
Good bug fold up travel high/booster chair is available for rent / hire at kindershare. You pay only $20 per week. It is a portable and easy solution for dining out with
Look out! Summer is coming... and you can have a cool patio if you fit one of these high pressure fog cooling systems. The high-pressure pump gives superfine mist and