the perfect present for a friend. The green leaves signify positive energy and the joy of friendship. A flowering Jade plant represents luck and prosperity.
Two Money Plant, Jade Plant in terracotta pots 60cm High $20 each
, South Australia
Ad Type : Offering
Two Money Plant or Jade Plant 60cm High in 22cm terracotta pots $20 each brings you wealth and good luck drought tolerant succulent ok in full sun or shade *** please
Assorted succulents in tubes pots available at $2 each or 6 for $10.Also available string of pearls and variegated jade plants in tube pots at $4 each. Bulk orders
Well established Succulents - separate pots of succulents. One is a money plant Jade. Not sure of the other ones. They are $6 each, big enough to make more cuttings from