Black / White ruffled snowflake vase with flower frog
, Tasmania
Ad Type : Offering
notice for most items if you want to buy as items are not stored at my home. I've borrowed a friend's large internal garage & shelves :-) I just don't have the room a...
ORREFORS Sweden "Eden" Glass Leaf Round Platter By Lars Hellsten
, New South Wales
Ad Type : Offering
Beautiful large 32cm round Orrefors glass leaf plate / serving platter dish from the Eden range, designed by Lars Hellsten. Thick pressed pattern glass, quite heavy with
STUNNING - Original Vintage Shabby Glass Floral 5 Light Chandelier
, Victoria
Ad Type : Offering
GLASS floral arms with matching 5 white floral cups and 5 candle - like lights. at the bottom of the cups have large crystal cut tear shaped crystal and smaller match...