Large range of beautiful boys and girls baby clothing. Too many to list all of them. Some are brand new. Prices start as low as $5. So come and take your pick !!! Please
Made to fit Our Generation and most 18" doll's
Many items, colours and styles to choose from.
Coats, dresses, skirts, tops, pants, pyjamas, nightgowns, dressing gowns
Large range of Boys Clothing. Pants, shorts, tops and jackets.Size range from 1 through to 8. Too many to list. They are in great condition and prices start from $5
Just went threw all of my daughters clothes and getting rid of most of them.. most in play condition size 4 and some 5. some boys size 1s and 0s (not many at all) and
All genuine licensed clothing $5.00 a piece. I have sizes from 0000-14. Boys and girls. Lots of different brands to choose from such as Peppa pig, Thomas, LaLa Loopsy