specimen and would make a fantastic centre piece in someone's garden (shaded position only!!)
Obviously this plant would have to be personally picked up in Stawell (w...
MASSIVE SALE 25litre woven planter bags for just $1ea These are easy to pick up after potting your plants. Need to clean out shed at nursery. Lots of 25litre Woven
fastidious Collectors . See for yourself in a private tropical garden, that featured in the Gardening Section of The Herald Sun on 10th February 2008 ,& has expanded/...
20% Off Indoor And Tropical Plants At Wholesale Plants Direct
Cranbourne South
Ad Type : Offering
. All other palms and tropical plants will be off marked prices sale ends this Sunday 5th of may exclusively available at 2/860 ballarto road cranbourne south connecte...
even get together with friends and have a wine and planting party as something fun to do or just as a mini project for yourself to brighten up your garden, BBQ or bal...