Old bottles
Corner store equipment
Cash registers
Display cabinets
Anything pub or shop related
I'm trying to collect as much as I can to s...
Baby Girl Photo Frame 30cmX25cm NEW Pink Enamel Black Velvet Back
, New South Wales
Ad Type : Offering
Photo "Collection" Frame for a Baby Girls 1st 12months (1 photo a month) to show the growth progression from Birth to 1year old Can be hung on the Wall or stood up on a
A very old Masonic medal. A little worse for ware but still very pretty. Has a gold bird with a sheath in its beak on blue enamel. Very detailed engraving but the blue
. This clock is all original with untouched mahogany veneered oak case reeded columns original brass decorations and old glass in the hood. The veneers are enhanced by...