ACADEMY HOME GOODS "Hemingway" Glass Measuring & Mixing Jug
, New South Wales
Ad Type : Offering
depression glass styles, similar in type to later Agee or Pyrex. It has a classic form and utilitarian function, featuring a generous and convenient large size (wide ...
Complete sets of Italian Bormioli glassware.
In each box -1 jug and 6 glasses(in original boxes)
*1servier platte. Very fine crafted,Brand -Lido.
*1complete set of fi...
Proof Brown Plates And Bowls x 6 $5.00each, Coloured Glass Bowls $2.00each, Mini Glass Milk Bottles x 6 $6.00 lot, Lamp Base $40.00, Dimple Bottle Candle Holder $10.00