filtered light in moist, well drained soil. For best results keep moist in the warmer months drier in the cooler months. Available in 5 litre pots approximately half ...
Once or twice a year removal of dead or damaged leaves to give plants a facelift. Like many plants, they tolerate crap, but give them a little love and...
vibrant orange flowers that contrast with dark green leaves. Oh So Orange makes a great accent plant and is also excellent in containers. Best in full sun and will gr...
, classic rose of great beauty and richness. Vibrant blooms of deep, hot plum pink have a strong sweet perfume. The bush also features attractive, large, light green l...
Is there a more attractive and less fussy indoor plant than the Zanzibar gem? Thriving on neglect and barely requiring any attention, these plants really are gems with
Begonia Froggy /Rex (Hybrid) plant Lovely unusual leaves green & black leaves on top & purple tone undeneath. Rex begonias like bright, indirect light year-round
"Gibasis geniculate" is a charming, hardy, cascading house foliage for hanging baskets or pots. Foliage in dotted with tiny white blossoms. Leaves colour
Golden pothos devils ivy indoor hanging plant Epipremnum aureum
Glen Waverley
, Victoria
Ad Type : Offering
This is listing is for one devils ivy/ pothos Golden Variety this variety has gold and green leaves and a highly sought after variety of the devil ivy!