Well established Succulents - separate pots of succulents. One is a money plant Jade. Not sure of the other ones. They are $6 each, big enough to make more cuttings from
my father in law grows well established succulent plants and arranges them into cute little pots with decor or bigger sized arrangements with ornaments I
Well established chocolate mint in good size container keep you in mint for years to come all it needs is a lot of water daily an needs new home.
as owner is down sizing
GIFT Jade Tree Money plant Healthy well established plant
South Melbourne
, Victoria
Ad Type : Offering
plants are grown naturally; not boosted with fertilizer, means they will simply shoot up and thrive, can easily cope in new growing condition. They will not get wilte...
Well Established plants,Frangapani,money plant,Fiscus tree, Yakka
Tweed Heads West
Ad Type : Offering
A variety of well established plants . Frangapani, money plant,Fiscus trees and yakka plus many more. Prices start at $20 to $50 or can make a awsome deal for more than
Well Established Rose, about 20 years old - Mother's Love has beautifully long pointed buds of the palest pink with slightly deeper pink centres, for you to remove. Can