Thule CX1 pram was a life saver for keeping us active whilst our little one grew up. Fantastic in all weather as it has mesh for ventilation in hot days and zipper sides
Thule Coaster 2 in good condition. Comfortably fits 2 children with covered rear storage. Easily attaches to most bikes and quickly converts into jogger/pram. Comes with
rolling and the all-important tow arm to attach to your bike(s). And yes, that is plural as it comes with two hitches - perfect for one parent doing drop-off and anot...
Thule chariot 2 jogger running pram bike trailer rrp $1349
, Queensland
Ad Type : Offering
Thule cougar chariot 2 bike trailer suitable for 1 or 2 kids . Has bike and jogger attachment and you can also buy pram wheels ( not included ) from the company
Top of the line chariot cx2 child transport system. All the extras including stroller, jogger and bike attachments as well as carry bag and unused baby insert.
Thule Chariot Cougar 1 Bike Trailer (Red) & Stroller Kit
, Western Australia
Ad Type : Offering
Purchased brand new ($1300), and only used three times because I have knee issues and had to give up riding. In amazingly good condition. Attach to your bike, or use the
kids (also included), or used the board in place of second seat as children got older and bigger. We are only selling as kids are older and prefer bikes.