Universal stroller liner/insert with removable sleeping bag
, Queensland
Ad Type : Offering
Universal stroller insert with removable sleeping bag in blue. Keeps baby warm and snug. Fits most strollers. Near new condition. Sleeping bag zips off completely to
"BABY COMFORT" LAMBSKIN BABY PRAM LINER INSERT WOOL. It's in great condition, suitable for baby pram or car seat. Keeps your baby warm and comfortable.
Maclaren brand
Can be use as Stroller liner and can used for protect the kid from winter day
Can be use for ar seat.
Has a hole to insert the seat belt
Pick up at minto
. Some marks on the hood & the foam on the handle has torn from our cup holder but has been repaired with matching black tape (as seen in last photo)
Capsule fits the ...
(purchased 2016) and instruction manuals. The black foam that covers the left handle of the pram has recently come off (see images). On the cup holder, one of the pie...