forgotten all the details. Except what he said it was valued at.
But the piece itself is such a calming picture with hues of blues and greens. It's been professionall...
Aboriginal Painting "Echidna & Freshwater Turtle" by Manual Pamkal
Waratah West
Ad Type : Offering
This painting has been professionally framed
600 x 880 mm Acrylic on Canvas.
Manuel Pamkal is a well know aboriginal artist he works out of the "Top Didji Art & Culture
William T Cooper - World Famous - Rare Oil Painting 'Wangi Wangi'
Ad Type : Offering
AUD: William T. Cooper original oil painting - 52 cm high x 67 cm wide - with frame, 70 cm high x 80cm wide- titled "Wangi Wangi". This was painted in the studio of Sir
been repaired by a conservation expert,the prints have been professionally framed also by the same conservation experts,whose resume includes work for the Australian war