Great hedge plant with bee attracting red flowers.
$15 each.
Call or text Shane.
I am not a nursery just an avid gardener offering a great deal to fellow gardeners. I
I have 8 geranium plant each in 33cms pot. They have red flowers. Also have three different types of succulents, each in 33cm pot. (Altogether 8 pots). I can't maintain
Special GIFT Flowering size Geranium plant Healthy plant $13-$35
South Melbourne
, Victoria
Ad Type : Offering
Prices vary from $15 to $35 depending on the size of plant and the pattern/colour of blooms. Price shown is for the red. Others are $2 more. Red has varieties of sizes
Flowering shrub - "Firespike plant" or "Odontonema strictum"
Alexander Heights
, Western Australia
Ad Type : Offering
Healthy young plants, easy to grow, great shrub for late summer through early winter blooms. The red tubular flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies, this plant