care, so I know how to plan exciting activities to make sure kids have fun and learn something along the way. Not only that, but I'm currently studying Primary School
out. If live in additional requirements approx 7 hours per week at your time schedule of sorting kids washing, clothes etc... very happy house, small but close to train
WANTED - Live-in Au Pair - FREE RENT - Part-time work
Ad Type : Rent
required to get the kids off to school just FIVE days each fortnight. That's it. You'll be free by about 9am on those days to do as you please. And on the alternate w...
outside school hours. No car or License. No blue card can pick kids up and walk home with them. glad to help where i can. Message me if you would like hlp me response...
for and I aim to give an environment for the children to feel safe and secure. I promote open communication between myself, children, parents and my daycare scheme Ki...
Coming from a big family of six sisters and one brother I consider myself a child lover. I have several families for whom I regularly provide care for. I am really good