A self pollinating fruit tree which is a prolific bearer of dark red/black plump cherries. Suitable for small to medium garden beds in Perth due to its high chill
Blue Daisy Felecia amelloides is a popular small evergreen shrub with masses of blue daisy like flowers all year round, great for mixed garden beds, borders and pots
branches which appears to be like a foamy wave. This evergreen plant is easy to care of and has a great ground covering habit. It is great for large tubs or for small...
Melaleuca Little Nessie
A dense mounded shrub with small bright green leaves and mauve flowers in summer. The small leaf makes it useful as a low growing hedge. Great
growing lots of them. The symmetrical and lovely blue-green leaves enhance the look of your garden. The bell-shaped mauve flowers are ideal for picking. As the name s...