phrases reward baby for playing. "Find the blue triangle… Good job!" Level 3 -- Pretend -- 18M Fun songs & phrases encourage baby to pretend and imagine with Puppy & ...
-safe or hand wash in warm, soapy water. Do not microwave. Soft-silicone cover allows baby to self-feed on fruits and vegetables through small holes. Can be used with ...
TMNT Fast forward soft plush toy in good used condition.
No holes or tears.
Tags have been removed.
Approximately 40cm tall.
Leonardo blue turtle.
As pictured
This 30 year old doll has a soft body and plastic arms, legs and head. Perfect as a first doll as she is cuddly with beautiful blue eyes.
She did have clothes but for
We have for sale two new baby Christmas stockings. The material is very smooth, shiny and soft. They are approimately 30cm long.
We have one pink and one blue left. We