succulents and put them into a wall planter, decorative pot or hanging basket. You can pot these up in gorgeous mini pots and give these as wedding favours, baby reve...
Many varieties succulents for sale, price from $3.50 -$10 each
Pascoe Vale South
, Victoria
Ad Type : Offering
during the week , more details on request.
we have indoor plants, garden plants, roses, flowers,bonsai ,succulent arrangements, kokemda, hanging plants, terrariums an...
I have various succulents plants for sale (some new ones added), they are $2, they come in a 90mm round pot and have been living in the sunshine under the massive gum
Will tolerate being completely dry for some time, (although it thrives best with regular watering and fertilizer). Like all succulents, it won't tolerate we...