Croton Petra
A colourful shrub that will break up all those garden greens. Perfect in the ground or pot. Available in 8 litre pots approximately half a metre tall for
indoors or outdoors. Available in 8 litre pots approximately 1 metre tall for $90 each. Avid Gardeners is open weekend's in Canning Vale. Please call or text Shane on
favourites with large long glossy fronds that will add that tropical look to any area it's placed. Available in 8 litre pots approximately 1 metre tall for $55 each. ...
Golden Canes
A lush tropical palm that can be displayed indoors or outdoors. Where ever you decide to spruce up, this palm will not disappoint. Self cleansing palm where
for $18 each. Please text Shane on from Avid Gardeners on ******4463 and arrange a time to drop in and view these and many other indoor and outdoor plants. We are loc...
for growing outdoors in warmer climates & ideal for growing indoors in cooler areas. Thrives in a partly shaded position outdoors with protection from frost or indoor...
Elephant Ear/Taro pond/in(out)door/decorative eatable plant sale
, Western Australia
Ad Type : Offering
watering in hot months. This type is a runner, so it multiplies quick. You can plant it in a garden to achieve tropical look, in a pot (both indoors and outdoors) or ...
Rhoeo, Moses in the cradle - ground cover low maintenance plants
, Western Australia
Ad Type : Offering
ready to go in the soil large cutting with some roots or $2.50 for small potted plants. I am able to spare about 100 cuttings and a doezen of potted plants.