Call ******6334 for address. Cheap plants from $1 each (some bargains for 50 cents!). Lots of varieties including waterwise shrubs, indoor plants, annuals, succulents
Variety of sizes ranging from $5 - $45
Very hardy plant, minimal care required
Welcome to visit and pick out what you like or message for individual plant prices
A variety of small plants (including pines, conifers, olive) from $5 each. Feel free to make an offer on the lot (19 plants). Pick up only (Lilydale Tasmania
Large variety of pot plants, cheap, including Zygo cactus at $5 each and lovely well established Frangipani plants $20 each. Well worth a look. 12 Markham Road, High
Elephant Ear .. Large Giant Variety & Caladiums , text ******8844
, Northern Territory
Ad Type : Offering
metres in height with Leaves over 1 Metre in length.
You can keep trimmed to whatever height that suits U .
Beautiful plants that will make Any Garden look nice.