easily. And the only real other negative thing there is to say about the vintage pram is 1 of the wheel centre caps is missing, however this doesn't not affect the wo...
Vintage dolls pram ready for restoration. Plastic wicker construction, with sprung steel spoke wheels and metal mudguards. Not sure of the vintage, but came from a
Genuine vintage large wheel pram. Very good condition , excellent chrome, very good coachwork , excellent interior trim , good mattress , mosquito net , really good
Large Vintage Doll's Pram with Decorative Metal Frame and Cane Basket
, Victoria
Ad Type : Offering
Vintage style doll's pram. Decorative metal frame and wheels. Wonderful Cane Basket, with solid wooden base and turned wooden handle. Ideal for displaying dolls and
Large vintage Bertini pram - with covers, and toddler seat
, South Australia
Ad Type : Offering
This pram is very spacious, and the extra toddler seat sits very securely, about 4 inches above the top of the pram sides, so there is lots of room for toddler and baby