Stokke tripp trapp high chair. Includes harness and baby set. Made of solid timber and adjustable hights. Original color was red and repainted in white. Still in good
Baby Gear- $50 white cot plus travel cot, high chair and more
Malua Bay
, New South Wales
Ad Type : Offering
$50 for the lot. White wooden cot with slat base, Lite n Easy 2 BabyCo travel coy, high chair, padded change mat, plastic cover cot mattress. Great for the grandkids
Fresco BLOOM designer Baby High Chair (Baby to 5yrs)
, Queensland
Ad Type : Offering
White Fresco BLOOM baby-to-child high chair with all additional extras included! Entire package. Has been maintained in great condition. You won't even need to replace
Steel craft Messina Deluxe high chair in white colour suitable from newborn to toddler. In great condition. It comes with a newborn watchable insert. Fully adjustable