Timber Venetian Blind 63mm 1898w x 1343d- BRAND NEW, UNOPENED
Glen Forrest
, Western Australia
Ad Type : Offering
It is white and comes with fittings for an external fit as well (to go over any window opening of less than 1900mm wide) and is brand-new, still packed up in...
Western red cedar timber venetian 3 blinds set 3100 x 1530mm
, Western Australia
Ad Type : Offering
Western red cedar lacquered 3 blind set to cover 3100 x 1530 mm maxi window with single long pelmet. No longer needed due to renovation. Can also use as 3 separate
2 Roll Up Shade Cloth Blinds, green/ivory colour, in good condition. Ideal external window shading or for privacy on a terrace etc. Both with timber support, if needed
measures a max of 900wide x 2100 long but can be used over a smaller window area. Hardware included to hang them. They have a self pattern in the fabric and are in ex...